Step into the producer’s playground
Explore the world’s best sample library and an unmatched marketplace of plugins and DAWs.
Try freeA catalog so deep, it’s dangerous.
Expertly created and curated samples in any style imaginable. Start swimming in sound.
Explore Sounds

A workflow that actually flows.
Preview samples in your track’s key and tempo, drag and drop sounds into your DAW, and organize your favorite samples, MIDI and presets in one place.
Build a drool-worthy studio, affordably.
The industry’s top software, all in one place, on payment plans built to work for you.
Explore Gear

Crate dig without the dust.
Our intelligent search tools help you discover sounds you would normally have to dig to find. Tech breaks the sweat, not you.
Discover CoSoWhat creators are saying about Splice

I can always find what I’m looking for on Splice, whether it’s the exact sound I want or just a bit of inspiration.
Andrew Huang

Finally a way to buy plugins that works. By paying a little at a time, producers can get legit access to the top VSTs.

It’s been fun to dive into Splice’s creator community and explore tools that support my own creative process.